"Nonprofit organizations like The Center for Art Education and Sustainability educate institutions as well as students on the ways in which they can expand sustainability practices across the globe."
- Invaluable. The world's premiere auctions and galleries.
The Center for Art Education and Sustainability (CAES), also known as the Sustainable Art School, is a nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of New York, United States. CAES' work focuses on the research, education and promotion of sustainable practices in art and art education and with aligning artistic lifestyle practices with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. What started as an experimental traveling program, has over the years expanded its horizons for the benefit of artists, art educators and communities internationally.
We have created conditions for people to develop sustainable art practices on many fronts, formed partnerships with fourteen entities worldwide and established relationships with leading individuals in the fields of art education, environmental art, sustainable development, eco-art, law and academics and educators in 17 countries. We have provided professional development for educators in public and private schools, we exhibited in museums and cultural centers in 3 countries, we carried out online programs for artists and educators interested in exploring sustainable practices - which has facilitated unprecedented forms exchange and dialogue between artists and art educators from diverse locations in the world. As we continue to engage artists, educators and communities in sustainable practices through art, we thank all the individuals, organizations and foundations that have in one way or another contributed to our growth. |
Iván Asin
Iván Asin is an NYC-based art educator. His work focuses on establishing connections between art education and Education for Sustainable Development. He studied Visual Arts and Marketing at Montclair State University, earned a Masters Degree in Art & Design Education from Pratt Institute and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in the Art Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. He was awarded the title of Master Environmental Educator by the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education in 2017 and is currently part of the Fulbright Specialist roster. Since 2010, Iván has taught visual arts in the New York City public school system and community-based art programs in Amsterdam and New York. As the founder and leading art educator of CAES, Iván has taught workshops in Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, Honduras and the United States, and has carried out professional development for art educators at conferences and higher education institutions globally.
Anna Chapman
Anna Chapman is a painter with a background in herbalism and the healing arts. She received her BFA in Painting at the Rhode Island School of Design spent 6 years living in NYC working under various artists and artisans. She is currently pursuing a Masters of in Art Education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago to learn more about transformative approaches to education in destabilized socio-ecological contexts. She is passionate about future potentials in the realm of Art Education to cultivate the intersection of art, ecology, and healing.
María Losada
María Losada is a visual artist and lawyer from Argentina. She is CAES' contract analyst and legal expert, playing an important role in our development of partnerships internationally.
María earned a Masters Degree in the field of Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law from Fordham Law School in 2015. She participated in Fordham’s Art & Law Program, which aims to bring together law students and qualified individuals in the areas of visual arts and curating. María works one-on-one with artists on research topics relevant to their respective projects, as well as transactional issues and concerns faced by visual artists and arts organizations. |
Pilar Vicuña
Madeline Lynch
Stephanie Orlic
Madeline Lynch
Stephanie Orlic
CANADA Ian Garret, Toronto MEXICO Fernanda Reyna, Mexico City Verónica Ugalde, Quintana Roo Luzelena Mar, Quintana Roo UNITED STATES Aline Bloch - Seattle, WA Amy McPartland - New York, NY Kristine Tucker - NJ Caitlin Reller - Laguna Beach, CA Daniel Chapman - Boston, MA Max Levi Frieder - New York, NY Tara Callen - Miami, FL Patricia Tucker - Madison, WI CENTRAL AMERICA
COSTA RICA Tania Goicoechea - San José HONDURAS Amanda Blewitt, La Ceiba Denis Espinal, La Ceiba |
ARGENTINA Luciana Marrone - Necochea Lucrecia Urbano - Buenos Aires Pablo Landolfi - Buenos Aires Lucy Rivero - Buenos Aires María Gracia Salinas - Buenos Aires BRAZIL Nicole Takasse, Sao Paulo CHILE Exequiel Coñomán, Talca Pilar Vicuña, Santiago COLOMBIA Andrés Monzón, Medellín David Garzón, Medellín Rosse Taveras, Bogotá PERU Evelyn Guerrero Córdoba, Lima Rosa Chumacero, Lima |
FINLAND Asta Kuusinen, Helsinki Katja Uksila, Helsinki Riikka Mäkikoskela, Helsinki ITALY Ilaria Mazzoleri, Bergamo Laura Scaglione, Bologna NETHERLANDS Rosanne Koster, Amsterdam Elvira Vroomen, Amsterdam PORTUGAL Aldo Passarinho, Beja Graça Martins, Lisbon Thiago Caldas, Beja SPAIN Joan Miquel Porquer, Barcelona José Albelda, Valencia Carmen Gracia, Valencia Cristina González G., Valencia SWEDEN Ann Juuse, Stockholm |